Sunday, February 1, 2009

Snowman poop! Oh my!

Noah is in second grade this year. Part of the holiday celebration is to make gingerbread houses with a parent. Brian came with him and I was able to have someone watch my class so I could be there too! (My classroom is right next door so it worked out great!) I love this picture because it shows Noah's great smile! For the feastivies each child can bring their own candy. We found some mini Jr. Mints at the store and thought they would be great. My first thought was what a cute cobblestone walkway they would make. Then I remembered that I am the mother of three boys and one very silly girl being raised with boys. While making his gingerbread house the cute cobblestones became "snowman poop". For those easily offended I understand if you log off now, for those that know my family you can understand his big smile and laughter! What is it that makes little (and sometimes big) boys think bodily functions are so funny? Anyway the "snowman poop" was a hit and many others added that great feature to their creations!

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